Have You Ever Thought...
"My Story Doesn't Matter"
This Is Your Invitation To Join Us !
What To Expect
- Hear from inspiring speakers who share their personal journeys and transformative impact of their stories have.
- Dive into the immense possibilities of your personal narrative.
- Collaborate with other healers and local practitioners to develop tools and interventions to support your healing process and soul journey.
- Create new pathways to overcome with the strength of vulnerability and embracing your story.
- Construct new connections through community and introductions to local vendors, healers, and practitioners.
Registration Open!
Early Bird Registration (until 10/13/24) $49
Regular Registration (until 10/18/24) $69
Day Of Registration (based on availability) $74
Registration reserves your seat, provides you with lunch, adds you to Door Prizes, and ensures our vendors know how many attendees to plan for.
Learn New Modalities & Tools For Healing
Facilitated energy flow to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Cultivate mindfulness, reinforce your intentions, and align your energy with crystal properties.
Shadow Work
Explore the unconscious parts of your “self” that are typically hidden or ignored.
Sound Bowls
Combine melody, sound waves, physiological and psychological responses through each bowl.
Drumming & Drum Circles
Release negativity, create community and connection, improve focus and cognition, reduce tension, and have fun.
Akashic Records or Memories
A repository of information that contains the collective thoughts, emotions, and experiences of every soul throughout time.
Oracle or Angel Cards
Foster introspection, reflection, and growth through the symbolism found in each card. Connect with your angels and higher self.
Red Light Therapy
The energy and frequency of red light has multiple benefits for your body and soul by increasing circulation .
Registration Open!
Early Bird Registration (until 10/13/24) $49
Regular Registration (until 10/18/24) $69
Day Of Registration (based on availability) $74
Registration reserves your seat, provides you with lunch, adds you to Door Prizes, and ensures our vendors know how many attendees to plan for.
Contact Us Directly at Michelle@mysoulpurposejourney.com
Would you like to buy a group of tickets? Email us.
Do you have a special request? Contact us.
Are you still unsure if this is for you? Yes you should!
Would you like to be a vendor or share your story? Call Me!